PORT is a visit-based curatorial project on contemporary technological infrastructure. Initiated by Iris Long and He Zike in early 2021, the project is kindly supported by the Contemporary Visual Art Institute at Guizhou Normal University. With its first stop in Guizhou, China, “Under the Cloud: Port, Material Flows, Data Valleys” attempts to find a place for people between nature and technology within a temporal stack. The project also engages with the constant, ordinary foundational structures (including infrastructure and geological environments) that are either invisible or overlooked within our digital lives, as well as their lifespans within the context of deep time. Researchers and writers from humanities and social sciences backgrounds are invited on visits to techno-infrastructure sites—ranging from data centers and smart factories to environmental monitoring stations and radio telescopes—which could be seen as ports in our current technological landscape. The project encourages observational reports, creative videos, and other kinds of knowledge production based on these in-situ investigations and experiences.
Guizhou is increasingly known for big data industry policies, the China International Big Data Industry Expo, and Guizhou-Cloud Big Data. The city has witnessed how the data industry has transformed the economy, but it has also seen how big data, the cloud, and the ark have become embedded in the daily life of Guizhou in just a few years. “Under the Cloud” will focus on how the poetic, abstract imagery of the cloud became woven into real, everyday life in Guizhou. At the same time, we will examine data centers, monitoring facilities, and self-controlled, self-regulated automated systems with precise decision-making functions, and the ways in which this infrastructure reflects the technological forces acting on production relationships, as well as cultural and techno-political imagination.
Guiyang is a digital city, home to the world’s first big data-themed expo and China’s first big data exchange. Amidst the tumult of formulating policies and shoring up the industry, this distinctive industrial landscape has been built in a place often characterized by multi-faceted poverty issues, ecological fragility, and the late arrival of the Third Front. In 2020, the world’s largest single-segment radio telescope (FAST) was put into operation. At the end of that same year, the Arecibo radio telescope collapsed in a silent valley in Puerto Rico. Infrastructure lives out its life in another timeline, out of sight. Geological formations, infrastructure, cities, and humans become essentially invisible in the cosmic scale of time. Metaphorically, the human and non-human narratives entangled in infrastructure could flow toward a sensorial end. How can our fascination with infrastructure escape from impractical visions and make first-hand, on-site experience a more effective part of research? Port: Material Flow, Data Valleys attempts to answer this question, because sometimes we need to descend from the clouds to discover what lies under them.
Cover image courtesy of Wenxin Zhang