E-dream: We’ll stay, forever, in this way
Website Program
Mono Sound
Materials: Texts, Images, Voices
E-dream: We’ll stay, forever, in this way is a real-time website, an intelligent program that constantly adapts stories from the content written and broadcasted by media. Information is processed into dialogues and fragmentary story between Jack and Rose, which interweaves with media world and will never end.
This work involves with deep learning algorithm and a set of rules. It plays a dramatic interpretation of mainstream English international news texts, and simultaneously translates the results online, obtains sounds and associates images on Chinese websites by search engine. As a result, the original meaning gradually dispels, from documentary records to ambiguous narratives, and the matches might be misplaced. Over time, it varies subtly with current events and changes in the media world.
Technical Support: GAO Pengfei
材料 : 文本,图片,语音
《 电子梦 : 我们将如此继续 》是一个可实时访问的网站 , 一个不断从被媒体书 写和传播的现实中挖掘素材进行故事改编的智能程序 。 这些信息被处理为主角 Jack 和 Rose 的对话和碎片故事 , 他们将在此与媒体世界永久共生 。
作品涉及深度学习算法和一系列规则设置的应用 , 对主流英语国际新闻文本进 行 了戏剧化的演绎 , 同时对结果进行在线翻译 , 获取声音并在中文网站进行 图片 联想 。 由此 , 信息原始的含义被逐步消解 , 从纪实记录转向含义模糊的 叙述 , 并产生可能错位的匹配 。 随着时间的推移 , 作品的内容将随着当下的 发生与媒 体世界的改变而发生微妙的变化 。
技术支持 : 高鹏飞
Website: http://www.e-dream.com.cn/